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Friday, February 13, 2009

kay,people be honoured.
im doing a dedication to everyone now!

lots of chocolates and sweets~



hmmm... tell me. what bdae present did u get from bradon and D.C.?HEH.


AND it's dahmakiie-DONO for you!HEH.


3:05 AM

Friday, January 2, 2009

UVERworld - Yasashisa no Shizuku

the song with the saxophone. at 3 min plus the saxophone is playing solo nicely. ah~finally posted this saxophone song. there, yuan lin wanted to hear this song so im posting. but i bet UVERworld fans will wanna hear it very much tooooo!

8:44 PM

=D was surfing for videos on UVERworld PROGLUTION TOUR 2008. listened to a few songs and nitro reminded me of code geass "story" cos nitro's lyrics has a 'story' word inside. anyway, here's code geass "story",found on youtube,played on piano.

and this, colors by flow.


and L'ARC~EN~CIEL! Daybreak's bell!

and Ash like snow. what's with the face?LOL.

and Mozaiku Kakera by sunset swish.

and blue bird! ~naruto song~

and lion, Macross F 2nd Op.

SUGOI! found so many wonderful music! =D

7:54 PM

HAPPY NEW YEAR! ometto samba!
school starts today! last to reach sch in my class again!hahaha.
it's the same for every year, the first day of school.
in wisdom now~
anyway, this was wat we did.
decide on who be monitor,subject rep.,etc.
i'm GEOG subject leader! teacher said:" u be, i think u can get along well with miss tan."LOL.
then we played captain's ball for class bonding, which was okay. played for a while only cos after that we have photo-taking and we were in our uniform.
then e-lit teacher came and claimed herself as very kiasu, that's why she wants to talk to us before lesson talks next week. she gave us tons of homework. like nid to read dunno how many pages and do 9 pages of questions. i like strict and maybe fierce YET most of the time, resonable teachers.(example,i like ms leong, who ppl nicknamed as molly.) however, this time, this teacher, she seems to use threat to control the class.
the class was quiet. i got slightly irritated with her that i looked out of the classroom and clicked my pen a bit. according to weilin, the teacher looked at me when i clicked my pen. oh well.she even asked one of my classmate's name cos maybe she was talking? no idea but i didn't hear any talking at all.
apparently, my form teacher's nice.
she's quite funny. told us her short love story and family. her name's maria. dunno her surname. when she entered the class, she told us to greet her but then when she reach the teacher's desk, she was like, "why u guys standing? sit down." she thought we greeted her already.hahaha.
my classmate standing in front of me is audrey's best friend. she likes yaoi. likes sasuxnaru,itaxsasu(i went "GAH!" at this, cos yuan lin calls herself sasu.hahaha! and i'm itachi.)and sasuxnaruxsaku.LOL.
she's kinda funny. she talk to teacher can talk like "damn" or sth. DO NOT GET THE WRONG IDEA. she's nice and teachers like her too.
hui jun's in my class too! my class has 3 "charyl/cheryl"s and 2 "rachel"s.=D
oro,dei and I walked past the ex-Wisdom classroom and yuan lin and I were saying that Hope is such a lucky class for being able to use our ex-classroom, the nicest and happiest class ever!" Wisdom is the only orange-painted classroom, painted by Wisdom and mr choo, who has left the sch alrd, and the painter! wisdom is a really nice class!~ 2008 was great! let 2009 be wonderful too!~

miss tofu and kei woo. we can meet up though but school will be different.
"we three seem to be walking on the lonely path."-me
haha. nvm, crack joke? im gonna go VJ!~

today's star pairing: zhu'erXyuanlin! OMETTO!~

*the best has yet to be/come." let's do our best,everyone!=D

1:04 AM

Sunday, December 28, 2008

On the 27th Dec, there was the only fan meeting of the little nyonya at compass point.
reached there when it was over, yet compass point was still overly crowded. barely enuff space to walk, we had to squeeze thr the crowd to get to the other end of compass point, to escape from the overwhelming crowd.
the escalators were stopped, all four levels of compass point crowded with people looking down to catch a better view of the stars without having to "suffocate" on the first floor.
escalators were filled with people looking down at the stars as well. the escalators were stopped thus they could all stop and stand there.
we and many others were amazed by the crowd rather than the stars. the scene was so funny lar!
the tiles of compass point cracked and some fans even dressed up as little nyonyas.HHAHA:)
as for me, i couldn't even catch a glimpse of any of the stars as i was late and besides, i wasn't interested to squeeze thr the crowd jus to see the stars. i ran for the comic connections shop instead.:D

10:03 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

The person who tagged you is? AH SOH.

2.Your relationship with him/her? closefriend/classmate

3.Your 5 impressions of them.eh, wah getting bored of this quiz. anyway, outgoing? erm...friendly, loud, too hyper for her own good,likes to pull me?

4.The most memorable thing he/she had done for you. pulling me.

5.The most memorable thing they had said to you? BOO/YO lehcar.

6.If they become your lover,you will? hell no.

7.If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be? SKIP! ridiculous!

8.If they become your enemy, you will? never.

10.What is it you want to tell for them now? do this quiz.

11.Your overall impression of them is? fair :O

12.How do you think people around you will feel around you? dunno.

13.The characters you love of yourself are? crazy abt japan culture? culture? eh..being an otaku!

14.On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are? stated in sammo's quiz.

15.The most ideal person you want to be is? me.

16.For people that care and likes you, say something to them.THANK YOU!

17.Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.

the rest answered in sammo's quiz also. :p

1:49 AM

The person who tagged you is? SAMMO

2.Your relationship with him/her? closefriend/classmate

3.Your 5 impressions of them. Erm,knows which english songs are good.(heh,sort of my source of English songs other than from my com) FUNNY! the smarty in English,eh sensitive (in a positive way) and a shooter!

4.The most memorable thing he/she had done for you. poke me until my kidney 'burst'.LOL.

5.The most memorable thing they had said to you?

6.If they become your lover,you will? SIAO!!!NO! this question is R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S.

7.If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be? she wun be my lover, YURI is gross!

8.If they become your enemy, you will? that will never happen.

10.What is it you want to tell for them now? dun poke my organs!LOL.

11.Your overall impression of them is? fair :O

12.How do you think people around you will feel around you? ask me that when i have acquired the skill to think of useless stuff.

13.The characters you love of yourself are? commited to be an otaku.

14.On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are? not being able to dedicate all my time to being an otaku.LOL.

15.The most ideal person you want to be is? haha. me.

16.For people that care and likes you, say something to them.THANK YOU!=D

17.Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you. 1)SAMMO 2)FIONA 3)SWL 4)TOFU 5)ORO 6)JOANNA 7)RENEE 8)XINHOON 9)SABS 10)YINGYI

18. Who is no. 6 having relationship with? her family,friends & maybe she has a boyfriend?

19. Is no. 9 a male or female? female.unless...

20. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? no damned way.

21. What is no. 2 studying about? anime!manga!jpop!

22. What was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? today?lol.

23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like? dunno, i think she likes many english bands and knows plenty of lyrics. she wrote 2 for me! =)

24. Does no. 1 have any siblings? yes.

25. Will you woo no. 3? obviously not. this is yet again another R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S. question.

26. How about 7? nooooooo.

27. Is no. 4 single? yes, maybe shika though.:O

28. What is the surname of no. 5? tan

29. What is a hobby of no. 10? heh, another otaku.

30. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well? erm...dunno.

31. Where is no. 2 studying at? anglican high school

32. Talk about something for no. 1. u MUST do this quiz. this is revenge! haha lol.

33. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8? we are alrd friends, but if 'feeling' in this qn, makes this qn jus like those R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S qn up there, then NO!

34. Where does no. 9 live? i dunno D:

35. What colour does no. 4 like? PLENTY :O bright colors bah.

36. Are no. 1 and 5 best friends? eh...no.

37. Does no. 1 have any pets? no

38. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world? hell no.

39. What is no. 10 doing now? anime?

1:14 AM